Monday, June 6, 2016

A Ray of Sunshine

       The darkest moments we face can sometimes be just the motivation we need to look towards God's face. The only way to get out is by pushing upward or forward. There is nothing like becoming entrapped in a cycle of foolishness, whether or not we are the sole cause. However, God's grace and mercy towards us is all of the push that we need. Can you think of a time when you felt hopeless, downtrodden, and lost? The skies in your life are as black as they can get and the rain continues to pour heavily. Not only that, but after the last storm has passed you look ahead and see yet another system of storms pushing in. This is nothing but a trick of the enemy to make us feel defeated and hopeless. But God...

       He is our rock and salvation every day. When we open our eyes and truly begin to focus on where God has brought us from, the storms ahead seem small. Many of them will indeed push on towards us; understand that there is no getting around those. However, God has a beautiful way of planting and helping us to root deeply such as a sycamore tree. In addition, He is the only person who can build us fiber-by-fiber like a strong palm tree which can take a beating from a storm, bend to no end, and still survive. Those darkest moments are not stronger than us. We have to remind ourselves of that and keep pressing on. God's face is like a ray of sunshine that we see in the distance and the more we press closer to Him, the brighter things become. Before we know it, daylight has taken over.

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