Thursday, September 5, 2019

God's Prophecy Unfolds Daily

       As I read a few of the first chapters of the book of Jeremiah in the Bible, I thought about how true God's Word has always been and will forever be. He is the God of love and compassion, and still He detests sin. He created the world, man, and all the inhabitants thereof. What He made was perfect. So, why do people continue to turn away from Him time and time again? I want you to think about this one thing: God gave us free will to do as we please. He loves us enough to teach us His ways and then leave the decisions up to us. We must learn to choose wisely because His ways are right and just.

Look Ahead, Press On, Keep Walking

This walk is definitely a journey, not to be mistaken as a quick stroll down through life.

What keeps us grounded as Christians? As I read through Psalm 73 this morning, I couldn’t help but ponder on why it “seems” as if the wicked are getting a “free pass” to do whatever they desire in life. The word “seem” is for something to “appear to be true”. I firmly believe that no matter what the world is presenting to us as its truth, we can trust in the Word of God knowing that He is The Truth.

Job was a man who was tested and tried many times over, yet he remained faithful to The Truth. Job 1:20-22 (specifically verse 21) is a prime example of how we should respond in every situation. Yes, it is tough sometimes when a person is in the storm. However, every natural storm I’ve seen has always given way to sunshine. This is the same for our spiritual storms. God uses those storms to wash away any filth that is in or around our lives (if we allow Him the space to do so).

What keeps us grounded as Christians? [Psalm 73:27-28]. We must stay near to God (His Word, The Truth) knowing that the end result is “those who desert Him will perish” and the righteous are protected and will live.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Stability is Found in God

       To hear God speak is an honor; it's even better when we adhere to (believe in and follow) the voice of God. The problem with society lies in a practice of "do as I want". With this "want" comes instability, and instability breeds indecision. Many people today have greatly misconstrued the Word of God by implementing fear (which is defined as "an unpleasant feeling of agitation caused by the presence or perception of danger; or anxiety). There is one cult group in particular (Black Hebrew Israelites) that I have watched for a few years now, and they completely strive off of destroying people with fear. The concept they carry is that all persons who are Caucasian (or of European descent) will not inherit the kingdom of God, and therefore, be banished to hell. Can you see how fear and anxiety have driven many into a state of confusion, hence, instability and indecision, and has caused a division that seems irreparable? However, I am so excited about what Jesus said in John 3:5-6Acts 2:21, and I Corinthians 12:13. We can have salvation through Jesus Christ and not be double-minded.

The reason that so many are led astray from the truth of God's Word is because they are double-minded. I have been double-minded before in many ways so I understand how this way of thinking is dangerous for not only me, but others who are connected to me. We must be born again with a renewed mind in Christ Jesus, as Paul stated in . In James 1:5-8, we are reminded that wisdom from God is a must in this life and a double mind causes instability.

We do not have to live in fear or anxiety of which way to follow. God is our source and He IS stability!

"And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure."
[Isaiah 33:6]

"For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding." [Proverbs 2:6]

"Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee."
[Proverbs 2:11]

33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
[Matthew 6:33-34]

Source of picture:

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I Am Valuable: Part II

       A person who knows his or her worth also understands that he or she is indeed a valuable person. There will always be someone to dismiss the work that God has given unto you to perform. In these situations, remember Who created you: God, not man or "the big bang theory". You are fearfully and wonderfully made [Psalm 139:14]. I must honestly admit that there were days when I have completely felt if I had literally lost a piece of who I was created to be. I allowed foolishness to consume me to the point of being totally infuriated with situations in my life. I was a mess during those times. But, God's hands are the strongest, greatest, and most caring hands that I have EVER encountered. He has a heart that holds the sweetest touch of love and forgiveness. I thank Him for reminding me of who I am in Him.

       Many of us have not embraced the fact that each and every person in this world has more to offer than just a mere title or monetary worth. Now, I want you to understand that I see nothing wrong with being called Professor John Doe or the fact that you may have 20 million dollars to your long as you are in the will of God. I hate being out of the will of God and I know just how much of a "left turn at Albuquerque" was made once I looked up and saw the mess I had created. Thank God that we can learn from our foolishness and take on the righteousness of God. Following Him places things back into the correct perspective and we begin to feel our self-worth grow again. As I stated in another article, I am valuable to someone. I should treat myself as a valuable person on a daily basis, no matter what storms I have to face. When I feel as if I cannot make it, God displays His glorious strength and reminds me of His will being the right way. We were all created with a beautiful purpose in mind, not as diamonds to be put on blast like a "trophy" or for us to lay idle. We are better than that. We have great worth in God.

Monday, June 6, 2016

A Ray of Sunshine

       The darkest moments we face can sometimes be just the motivation we need to look towards God's face. The only way to get out is by pushing upward or forward. There is nothing like becoming entrapped in a cycle of foolishness, whether or not we are the sole cause. However, God's grace and mercy towards us is all of the push that we need. Can you think of a time when you felt hopeless, downtrodden, and lost? The skies in your life are as black as they can get and the rain continues to pour heavily. Not only that, but after the last storm has passed you look ahead and see yet another system of storms pushing in. This is nothing but a trick of the enemy to make us feel defeated and hopeless. But God...

       He is our rock and salvation every day. When we open our eyes and truly begin to focus on where God has brought us from, the storms ahead seem small. Many of them will indeed push on towards us; understand that there is no getting around those. However, God has a beautiful way of planting and helping us to root deeply such as a sycamore tree. In addition, He is the only person who can build us fiber-by-fiber like a strong palm tree which can take a beating from a storm, bend to no end, and still survive. Those darkest moments are not stronger than us. We have to remind ourselves of that and keep pressing on. God's face is like a ray of sunshine that we see in the distance and the more we press closer to Him, the brighter things become. Before we know it, daylight has taken over.

I Am Valuable

       I am valuable to someone. Thinking of this has been one of the many things in life that has kept me motivated. When I wake up in the morning and feel like I am going to face the greatest challenge in life, I have to remind myself that someone hand-selected me for a specific time and reason to endure and overcome that challenge. Most times, there are no cheerleaders in sight to help give that extra motivation, as I personally would wish for; however, God gives such a great glimmer of hope and encouragement that helps me to push over the obstacles in front of me. Now, I must admit that there were days that I felt defeated, but deep down in my heart I knew that I would be fine if I continued to hold on to the promises and strength of God's Word. Still, in those very moments when the "OMG" happened, the mind did not automatically think of "aww, it'll be fine". Instead, it initially went more like this: "Why me, Lord?", "What have I done wrong?", or "I know this is not my fault but I feel like I should take the blame".

       One of the main things that I tell people nowadays is that I will be 100% genuine with them because I am not growing backwards, but I am growing older and forward. Things that I used to be afraid to deal with have either been handled or will be handled. There is no more thinking that I am not good enough when I am fully aware that God has a heart like "the size of Texas" for me, and I am stronger than before. Yes, I am valuable to someone. In addition, I thank God for people like my parents who conceived me out of love, raised me with love as a child, and continuously encourage me with love on a monthly basis as an adult. My pastor and his lovely wife has always been there for me to remind me of God's timing and faithfulness to be infallible. I am valuable to someone. That is what I have been stating repeatedly to myself because I know my worth. :)

       Recently, I conversed with a young woman on the issues of life, politics, careers, family, and self-worth. Once we arrived to the issues of a person's self-worth, the discussion of how she views me eventually arose because I could hear her skirting around the words that she really wanted to convey. Instead of a long, drawn out conversation to arrive at what was needing to be released, I simply cut to the chase and asked the million-dollar question to help her arrive there: "When you look at me, what do you see?" Her response was a few babbling words that made no sense for a split moment. Then I repeated the question with ease, and received this response from her: "Defeated". To most, this would have been a crushing word. I realized that the young woman was looking for me to produce a tangible asset that would spell the word s-u-c-c-e-s-s and make things clearer for her to cope with. Not only that, she expected a certain type of tangible asset that she could not necessarily see at the time of the conversation. My Father created me with many intangible assets that can only be recognized through the Spirit of God. Once spoken into existence, these assets are made manifest. At that particular time, then are people able to see the tangible asset, (or worth), of something. In other words, you cannot build a successful business, house, or financial stability in one day. This is the portion of life that many (including myself at one point) have had difficulty understanding. Our society has trained people to "snatch success within a short period of time", and if one is not able to keep up with every other business mogul, then he or she is viewed as "defeated". But this is not the true case.

       The time and effort that a person places into building is what will prepare him or her for a longer period of stability, and this cannot be rushed by any means. God will take us individually on various journeys that can only be understood by Him, yourself, and maybe a few others whom God has specifically placed there in your life as an encourager. Anyone and anything else that cannot see the vision that God has given to you is a hinderance. The timing of the success that God wants you to achieve and their timing will always be different. So, the next time someone expresses to you that you are "defeated", "beat down", or "moving too slowly", remind yourself that your value and success does not depend upon a clock, but rather what God thinks of you. Eventually, you'll begin to see yourself as God truly sees you: VALUABLE.

Readers' Input:
 Please take the time to add your comments/thoughts, challenges you have endured, and how you overcame those obstacles. I would love to see the work that God has done and is doing in your lives. Be encouraged.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Protect Your Gift

       The gift that God has given unto you is very precious and meant to be used according to His plan. Some of us have more than one gift that God has graced us with. The dangerous thing in some people knowing that you have an inept ability to work your gift as if you were a crafted smith is that they view it as an opportunity to "use you for personal gain". Aim to make certain that your gift glorifies God, not yourself or others.

       The temptation to rise to fame or show-boat in front of others will come about for many people when serving in the kingdom of God. One thing that Jesus explained and demonstrated on numerous occasions was to learn the importance of humbling yourself. Now, I know that some are thinking about Proverbs 18:16 [KJV] which states that "a man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men." This does not mean that you are supposed to use your gifts to be the headline of every show out there in town so that you can strike a deal with someone who is high up in ranks. What this verse means is that when you humble yourself and dedicate your gift back to God to be used for His plan, He will allow your gift to help open up those closed doors that you been praying for to be opened. God will spiritually elevate you, and with this spiritual elevation will come some physical manifestations. Your duty is to cover your God-given, spiritual gift so that it is not manipulated by others for foolishness.

       My personal testimony, in which I have no shame in telling, is one that took place recently. My parents visited me and wanted to meet all of the people whom I call dear friends. Before their trip ended, they shook hands and briefly spoke one-on-one with someone who I knew, but was having a strained friendship with. My mother spoke up and said something to the effect of her daughter (me) having worked diligently in the ministry and being thankful that I was able to get some rest now. What my mother heard from this person shocked her and I won't forget her appalled facial expression. The person stated with attitude: "Yeah, Rita was one of our workhorses." The statement was not meant to say that I was merely a dedicated worker to the ministry. It was meant to sound like, "Yeah, she did what we needed, now we do not need her anymore." I gave my mother the look that said, "Act nice." LOL. Later, my parents both explained to me that what was said about me being a "workhorse" showed the true character of the person whom I was working for. They further explained that my diligence to God was not in vain and it would pay off in the end no matter what this one person thought of me.

     Understand that we all have spiritual gifts that are beautiful, priceless, and stronger when we work them according to God's plan. One person is not greater than the other when we are working for Christ. The body of Christ is edified, you are enhanced spiritually and doors open in your favor, and God is glorified when we protect and use our gifts for Him.

Picture retrieved from

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Holy Boldness as Abigail

       Our timing has never been and never will be perfect as we desire(d). However, God created and controls time; He knows the exact moment when events will take place in your life. Many of those moments have always been there to make us stronger against the enemy. This is why we have to be careful to not misinterpret a specific season as a failure but instead as a process that will bring victory at the end. Waiting on God's command is the safest answer to what you are preparing for or going through. Know that what He speaks is true and backed up by all of Heaven. Abigail was a woman recorded in the Bible as being intelligent and beautiful. Even though she had these two attributes about her, she submitted to the authority of God right in the midst of great adversity. She operated in the holy boldness of God.

       Abigail endured through the issue of her husband's attitude. Nabal was not the greatest of husbands at all, yet he was earthly wealthy and carried pride on his shoulders like no other. His despising attitude towards her and others was enough to make some people want his very life taken away from was almost the case with David [I Samuel 25]. After Nabal made David angry with his disrespectful attitude, David became like many of us have been: angry and ready to set it off. In short, David was on the way to kill Nabal and all of his household. This is the danger in moving before your appointed time because David was about to commit a senseless crime, and God would not have been supportive in this battle at all.

       However, Abigail's obedience to God and love for those in her household encouraged her to step out and help save the household before David reached it. Her act of faith and operation in the holy boldness of God is what made God pay attention to her. In return, this also caught David's attention and the household was saved from sure destruction as Abigail issued to David and his men what was kindly requested beforehand. God saw the commitment and obedience in Abigail's heart, and the fact that she would step out on faith made Him want to respond even the more.

       Many of us have gone through seasons in which others have treated us as if we were at the bottom of the barrel. Leaders, family, friends, co-workers, and others may have played a part in trying to destroy your character. Understand that God's timing to handle these issues will always be correct and in your favor. Just wait on Him and watch the turn-around.

READ I Samuel 25 for the full story of David, Abigail, and Nabal.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Wait For Your Season

       A dangerous move for anyone to make is one that is out of season. In ministry, particularly, people move too hastily as if they will miss out on the blessings of God if they do not take the "right now" opportunity. Similarly, people are promoted too soon to a position that they thought they were ready for but never consulted God on the matter. Even though their heart and work ethics were aimed towards doing a great job, their lack of communication with God caused them to rotate into a season not meant for them at the time. I can tell you from experience that moving without waiting on God will cause you to go through the full term of an unwanted season until He is finished teaching you.

       God's Word in Luke 14:7-11 explains the process of humbling yourself and why you should do so. Many times, people forego doing this because they love the attention and glorification that comes along with "being at the top" or "being in control". Stepping into a season too soon can cause you to have a great fall, especially when you allow pride to get in the way. You're already out of season, but adding pride along with the disorder is even more dangerous. I have witnessed people who tried to lead others in a beneficial way only to find out that they themselves needed to be under the teaching and leading of a God-sent person; how can you effectively lead others when you are still in great need of being taught how to lead a group of people? One thing for sure is that God loves us so much and understands our hearts and desires to please Him. Even in our misguided decisions, He shows us enough grace and mercy to finish up the season so that we can be humbled and get through it with a renewed understanding of Him and why we should always consult Him about our moves in life.

My Personal Testimony:
       I, myself, have stepped too soon into a position in life and tried to lead people in the past. The truth is that someone asked me to take on a position because I was next in line to do so, and instead of asking God what He wanted me to do, I told the person that I was willing and able to do so. I believe that the person did not consult with God as well, so this caused a domino effect. Now that I recall that conversation, I do remember feeling a nudge in my spirit as if I had moved too soon. At first, I thought that I was feeling a bit hesitant because of the fact that I had not been trained as much as I needed to. The truth of the matter is that I had a huge heart and was willing to serve. Even with my love for the position I had agreed to, I was still operating out of season. But I want to tell you about the grace and mercy of God that helped me to soon realize that what I had done was indeed out of season. God in His greatness still used me as a vessel, but I endured through a season in which He humbled me greatly in personal prayer at home. I prayed for one full year for God to release me from the burden of my hasty move. One day, after God had taught me what I needed to know and used me for His glory, He released me from that season. I was very goodness! Lol! Now that I am released by His Spirit, I am walking in a renewed mind, God is giving me visions and dreams about what He released me from to help others go through their season, and here I am testifying to you all of His grace and mercy towards me.

       Do not fret if you have found yourself in this situation, though. If you are here, use this time to humble yourself and ask God what His desires are for you. I do not care how great someone else thinks that you are for a position; communicate with God and wait for an answer BEFORE you move. There is a season for everything in life: everything. [Ecclesiastes 3]

Cited Works:
[Picture retrieved from]

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Openly Forgiving Another

       Forgiveness is a lifestyle that many run from because it can feel uncomfortable. It involves one person dropping a barrier to communication to take a chance at being freed from a spiritual prison. The issue that has to be dealt with is more along the lines of forgetting about who was right or wrong and learning to move to a place of peace in the mind. The need for this peace of mind is not always solely for the one or more people who were directly involved in the issue at hand, but sometimes for the bystanders who happened to see all of the foolishness that took place. In other words, a conversation (or an action) that you could have steered in a better direction was instead catapulted into an argument that ultimately left both parties with a severed relationship and bystanders wondering what in the world just happened. Yes, there are times when you may need to forgive another person in front of everybody else who was also around.

       The healing that can take place through forgiveness is universal: it's for everyone connected in any way to what you need to resolve with another. The truth is that people need to not only hear but see forgiveness in action. As one rotten apple in a bag of apples can spoil the rest, so can unforgiveness in the presence of others. If you have wronged someone, you need to forgive him or her as soon as possible before a spiritual cancer spreads. Do not let what good you have done be evil spoken of [Romans 14:16-19]. In addition, I really love the way that the Apostle Paul states how people should not fight about words as this is not profitable and leads to the ruin of the hearers [II Timothy 2:14].

       As you can see, it IS important that we learn to forgive in private as well as in the open when necessary because it is beneficial for both you and your hearers.