Sunday, January 25, 2015

God's Beauty

       God's beauty is breathtaking. Times when I need a Word from Him, He speaks so clearly and reminds me of His love for me. I grew up in an outer-city limits area in which I was surrounded by trees. There was always plenty of room for relaxation, if you knew how to find it. Typically, I would ride or walk to the nearest park with a few of my favorite friends just to get away and have a wide open space to play at. What I noticed then and even now is that God has given us so many beautiful things and places to enjoy if we would only take the time to slow down and marvel in His beauty.
       God's beauty is also seen in how we should treat one another. God showed us the way through His Son Jesus. Everyday that Jesus spent on this earth was done so to prove to us that a greater love existed than what we could find through others. What He did for us is more rewarding than life itself. The same selfless love that He shows to us is how we are to interact with each other. The beauty of seeing God's children in harmony with one another is priceless.
       Take time to stop what you're doing in order to rest in the beauty of God. In addition, allow your lifestyle to be that of a child of God.

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