Too many demands from life are placed on us that we may sometimes forget to do what is simple and more than reasonable: stop and allow our bodies and minds to relax. The time that we spend "doing the most" can be refocused on sitting down somewhere and reading The Word of God, praying, listening to holy music, or just plain ole' sitting still to allow God to speak into our hearing. When He guides us in our daily activities, things will always go more smoothly than when we place our "two cents" into the mix. When I was growing up, my parents were always spending Saturday afternoons and evenings on the couch, in the yard relaxing, or playing board games. Now, it was a task to get chores done earlier most mornings, but once the afternoons and evenings came, it was game on for...relaxing as a family.
Fast-forward to 2015: what is relaxation??? Yeah, that's how I feel sometimes but God's Word is very real for the past, present, and future; His Word does not change. Our lives should never be centered around what the latest fads are; keeping up with the Joneses is not as therapeutic as people may feel. We have to refocus our lives on Who really matters: God. He will work out every other corner and specific of our lives when we place life in His hands.
Target: Begin and end each day with prayer, quiet time with God, and reading His Word (The Bible). In addition, playing soft praise and/or worship music in the background is not a bad idea.
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