Thursday, February 5, 2015

We All Need Each Other

       You never know what people are going through so you have to be careful with how you treat them. As children of God, we should NEVER intentionally hurt another person no matter what.

       Real ministry is learning to: love the unlovable, be kind to those who pay you with unkindness, and make yourself available to hear the hearts of those who seek help. When you push people away, you could very well be pushing away the "Joseph" who is to help you later in life during your dry season. In the Word of God, Joseph was despised and cast away by his own brothers. Later on, Joseph was the one who helped to provide for the land when a drought came, and guess who had to come to Joseph? That's right: his brothers. They did not recognize him at first because of the dramatic change God made in Joseph's life, but after a short while they began to see who he really was to them.

Be careful to not run God's children off. We ALL need each other.

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