Sunday, February 1, 2015

Everyday Life

       Tomorrow can seem so far away at times when life is kicking hard against you. It may appear as if your success rate in overcoming hardship is dwindling away. The issue with simply waiting for another day to come and go is that if you do not deal with the issues face-to-face, they will cycle around again...guaranteed. Sometimes it will take crying your eyes out for a brief moment; praying for a few minutes or hours; or sitting in total silence as you wait for God to speak to your heart.

       The key is to not run from the problem, but pray through it and believe that God will work it out. It does not always feel good, but once you have the answer to what God is speaking, you have to make the choice to be obedient to His Word or deny the right way.

       Many have found that when life seems to be crashing in on them, taking a rest to dive into God's Word (the Bible) allows them both peace of mind and a change for God to work things out on His own timetable. When God places His touch on anything, it has to get in line; it has to...period. Do not allow everyday living to drain the life out of you. Get connected to people who have that shining light as Christ does to help you through the process. Life is not more tough than God.

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