Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Your Purpose In Life

       It is amazingly odd how this world system runs off of the idea that working to gain money 24/7, increase popularity, and own a fancy car amounts to the ultimate "purpose" in life. The saying that "the world will work you to death and keep it pushing to the next person" is very correct. At some point in life, we have to seriously pause and think about what and who is truly important to our daily lives, including what God has designed us to operate in.

       God's Son, Jesus, was sent to earth to teach and show us of a greater purpose in life. We should not be in a constant rat-race to the finish line on a daily basis with nothing to show forth. This wears a person down on all levels (i.e. physically, mentally, spiritually). Let's get down to business. Your purpose in life is the spiritual gift that God gives to you which brings glory to Him, and it is done with grace given by His Spirit. For example, I am a singer and have been anointed by God to do so. I am grateful for this gift and am very careful to use it for any other thing besides bringing Him glory. He uses me in a way like I could never imagine to help deliver people who are spiritually bound, including the ability to further encourage those who are on the right path in life. This is just one of the few gifts He has graced me with and I strive to walk daily in what He has called me to do.

       Your purpose in life can be revealed through prayer before the Lord. Ask God to show you what you're supposed to be operating in on this earth. When He shows you, (and He will when you faithfully ask and believe), step into action. In 1 Corintians 12, the Apostle Paul explains to the body of Christ that we all have a special gift from God to use for the benefit of all people. (Understand that God has freely given out these gifts, so it's very possible that you may be equipped with more than one, and that's perfectly fine). Not everyone can be a preacher, the president of a country, or an engineer. Similarily, not all are gifted with the ability to manage employees, skillfully minister on a musical instrument, or teach. What I want you to grasp is that even though you can learn to do all types of things in life, you have to seek God for what you have been ANOINTED to operate in. Your purpose is backed up by the anointing of God, and it will be fruitful...lacking nothing.

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